A subscription-based service targeting high probability stock movement
Here’s How It Works
Each evening after the market closes, Fractal Wave (FW) signals are sent to your email inbox
These signals indicate what stock(s) to buy the following day, a target price and when to exit. (average 17 days)
Unique to FW signals are the time of entry and exit. So FW signals will indicate the potential percentage profit of each trade.
Sample Alpha Cycle signals
Symbol of Stock | Anticipated Entry Price | Expected Entry Date | Expected Exit Date | Length of Cycle in trading days | Target Exit Price | Anticipated Move of Stock as a percentage of Price | Trade Direction |
BIG | 24.1100 | 5/6/2020 | 6/1/2020 | 19 | 28.9488 | 20.07 | long |
IEX | 151.7800 | 5/6/2020 | 6/1/2020 | 19 | 161.9986 | 6.73 | long |
NLSN | 13.4300 | 5/6/2020 | 5/18/2020 | 9 | 11.8253 | 11.95 | short |
As a trader, you can manage the trades according to the parameters of either your own risk management and profit-taking strategies, or what the FW signal has indicated. For example, backtesting of FW signals uses an initial stop loss of 5%. Also, some traders like to use the signals for trading options.
Try our special offer, the first 30 days free to see for yourself how FractalWave can work for you.
Reduce Your Risk
To create an accurate prediction methodology, the development team behind the Fractal Wave software utilized several unique coherence indicators and precise harmonics. Stock price movements are fractal. Since patterns of price behavior tend to repeat themselves along all time frames, how stock prices will react to a given set of conditions can be surmised with a reasonable degree of accuracy.
FW algorithms seeks out predictable wave functions that can and will occur within the price patterns of individual stocks.
Advantages of Trading with Fractal Wave Forecasting Signals
Reduced Risk
Low setup costs -all you need is a smartphone or computer and a direct brokerage account.
Ease Of Use
No Advisor Bias
Trading requires minimal time and effort
Independence -total control over your own investments
Easy signup and low cost monthly subscription
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Bringing Clarity and Richness to Stock Analysis
Testing for past results averaged 70% to 85% success rate!